Intramural Sports
Intramural Sports & Community Sports Leagues
Have fun, make friends and stay active with Intramural Sports at Southeast Tech! Students have the option to participate in volleyball, basketball, bowling, disc golf, soccer or trap shooting, all at little to no cost!
Recreational programs are supported by student activity fees paid upon registration and are open to all students.
Many Southeast Tech students also participate in the various leagues, teams and individual sports offered by the City of Sioux Falls and other organizations.
Intramural Sports Community Sports Leagues
Intramural Sports
Basketball – Spring
Intramural basketball takes place every spring semester. You can choose to join a men’s league or co-ed league. Games are played on Wednesday evenings throughout the semester with a tournament at the end of the season.
Bowling – Fall, Spring
Bowling takes place throughout the year on Wednesday evenings at Sport Bowl. Participants can bowl two free games each night with a tournament at the end of the season. Sport Bowl offers end-of-season prize giveaways to Southeast Tech bowlers.
Disc Golf- Fall
Disc golf takes place on Monday evenings throughout the fall semester at our very own campus golf course. Teams are coed- occasionally games are played at Sioux Falls parks.
Soccer- Fall
Intramural soccer takes place on Tuesday evenings throughout the fall semester on the grassy field behind student housing. Games are coed, 8v8 and all sessions will include a skills portion and scrimmage.
Trap Shooting- Fall
Trap Shooting takes place on Monday evenings throughout the fall semester at Crooks Gun Club. Competition is on an individual basis with prizes awarded at the end for best scores. All participants must obtain safety training and a yearly membership.
Volleyball - Fall
Intramural volleyball takes place every fall semester. You can start your own team or be added to a team. Teams can be co-ed, all men, or all women. Games are played on Wednesday evenings throughout the semester with a tournament at the end of the season.
Intramural Sports Calendar
Community Sports Leagues
The City of Sioux Falls and other organizations offer community sports leagues that are open to Southeast Tech students.
The Sioux Falls Crow Rugby Club is committed to fostering and growing the game of rugby in the City of Sioux Falls
and surrounding areas. The Crow was established in 1991 and is a member of the Minnesota
Rugby Football Union.
Sioux Falls Crow Rugby